Friday, December 31, 2021


The Last Day of 2021

Interment, and a new life in heaven.

Wishing you all a Happy End to the old troubled year. 

Seventh Day of Christmas

Page 31

The stars twinkled in the pond, but Snerdlum didn’t do it. 

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Fifth Day of Christmas

Page 29

As Evly, Snerdlum, and their friends left the Hallow, they sang a soft song in the light.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Laundry Drawings

 This is the same car, attempted multiple times with different strategies and not much success. XD

The middle drawing looks closest to the actual vehicle in the parking lot, but overall it was a funny try.



 If you can't read my handwriting and are curious what it says, from top to bottom and left to right: "start at front end (with blind contour)" "start at top to bottom" "start with gridlines" "start with back end" and "start at bottom to top" -- stream-of-consciousness notes for myself so that I could tell later on what my strategies were to go with the evidence of how they fared.

Funny mini story to go with this: I forgot to bring my phone along on this errand, therefore in the absence of a clock, I actually used my drawing to estimate the time I would need to go back inside and switch my laundry to the dryers, since I have done this often enough now that I know roughly how long it takes to do a page like this, haha (around 20-25min).

Wishing you all a happy new year!! ♥

(Next post I will share some of my more Christmassy projects that I didn't want to spoil and whatnot.)


Fourth Day if Christmas

Page 28

“We are glad you followed the signs.
“We are glad for the Special Day.”

Monday, December 27, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Blessed Second Christmas Day

Eternal Peace

So it started, merry and bright, with candlelight….

….then as the first day of Christmas turned to the second day, Opa went to join the Eternal Light, leaving the gloom below. 

Rest In Peace, Leo. 

The Second Day of Christmas

Page 26

“Oh, look!
“To me, too,” said Snerdlum.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Blessed Christmas Day

For Unto Us a Child is Born

And He shall be called Wonderful, the Mighty God, the Prince of Peace. 

The First Day of Christmas

Page 25

“What can I give Him,” whispered Evly. 

“Look, He gives light to you,” whispered Snerdlum. 

Christmas Eve Arrived

In the Fullness of Time

God sent forth His Son, made of a woman.

The last day of Advent, the last doors of Advent calendars opened…

Our festivities officially start with the placement of the Christ Child in the Nativity scene.

Then, though we are just two today, with family all over the world, literally, we had feast and festivities and candlelight.


(Those are Alaska salmon toasts just barely visible, so we did have more than fluffy Schwarzwälder cake.)

Blessings to all on this Christmas Eve. 

Christmas Eve

Page 24

Inside the hollow was very bright. In the middle was the Light.
On either side were the feet that did not seem to belong in the forest. 
But they did belong here.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Christmas Pretties

Business Gift

Isn’t this a beautiful presentation 

Since some of you want to know….

Building exterior cleaners. They won’t be forgotten. 

Advent 23

Page 23

“It is in that hollow,” said Evly, “just like my hollow.”

“You are special, Evly,” said Snerdlum and his friends. 

“OH!” said Evly.

“No,” said Evly, “the Light is special. Let’s go see.” 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Advent 22

Page 22

“It IS the Special Day,” said Evly. “I found it!”
“It’s special. He found it!” said an echo behind him. 

Fourth Week of Advent

Peace on Earth

Through troubles and turmoil, because our King reigns.

Our old little Chrismon tree

Awaiting The Christ Child

The Time is Getting Closer

Also for His second coming in glory. That is our comfort. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Advent 21

Page 21

Then ahead through the trees in the dark night, he saw it! The Light!

Christmas Pretties

A Card

From an original papercut

And home ambience 

My children’s handiwork from years ago. 

Monday, December 20, 2021

A Little Visit

To Constance

While walking in one town - Kreuzlingen - we crossed a national border, and were in a new city and a new country. Nobody stopped us. Constance is a very old city. We hope to explore it next time. 

D is for Deutschland.

Advent 20

Page 20

Up and down, through and around, Evly followed the tracks. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Advent 19

Page 19

As he followed the tracks, he saw more tracks. 
“Who was this?” asked Evly. “ They don’t seem to belong here.”
“Hm,” said No One behind him. 
“Hm,” said the bushes. 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Advent 18

Page 18

As he followed the tracks, he saw something rustling in the bushes.
“Who’s there?” he whispered. 
“No one,” sighed the bushes. 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Advent 17

Page 17

As he followed the tracks, he heard some footsteps behind him. 
“ Who is there?” he whispered. 
“ No one, “ said someone. 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Advent 16

Page 16

Evly looked up. Evly looked down. 
Evly saw some little tracks on the ground.
“ Are these the signs?” he wondered. “ They don’t seem to belong here.”

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Advent 15

Page 15

“Follow the signs,” said Owl, and he flew off without a sound.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Advent 14


“Why are you sad? asked Owl.
“Did you see the light? asked Evly. “Where did it go?”

Late Bloom

My friend Katrina gave me this bud last week that we hoped would open up, and it did!



 I didn't expect the pale purple color though! The outside of the bud was a more standard deep-rose-pink, but maybe it was adapting to circumstances or something? Either way, it's very pretty, and makes me want to pull out my watercolors... *looks sideways at to-do list*

I still cannot comment on the blog...hopefully not a permanent problem, haha! Loved the grand-child sewing crafts and shadow quilt peek, and the little elf story!!!


Monday, December 13, 2021

Advent 13

Page 13

“What is the matter?” asked Squirrel, with one eye still closed.
“Did you see the light? asked Evly. “Where did it go?”
“No, I am sleeping,” said Squirrel, and he slid back into his cozy nest. 

Third Week of Advent


Sunday, December 12, 2021

Advent 12

Page 12

“ What are you looking for? asked Mole.
“Did you see the light?” asked Evly. “Where did it go?”
“No, I can’t see,” said Mole, and she plopped back into her dark hole. 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Advent 11

Page 11

“This is the special day,” said Evly.
“ But where did the light go?”
“Where will I find it?”

Friday, December 10, 2021


Only one special person is evidently allowed to post on this site, for some mysterious reason.
Give us your method, Maria.

But I want to comment on yours, Pam. 
Your quilt, and the fabrics, and your projects for gifts are beautiful. What a privilege to be able to bring your granddaughters along in your and your grandmother’s footsteps in the home arts and handcrafts. 
And those quilts - phenomenal.
Thanks for sharing. And keep up the resistance! 

Advent 10

Page 10

….until the trees blocked the Light, and Evly could not see where the Light went.