After the Royal bedrooms was a room family room of sorts.
They probably didn’t have a pet lion, but they probably wished they had one.
Some of the major paintings had acrylic reliefs, for unspecified reasons.
A private dining room, I think.
The next room had a fine collection of artifacts, like these Etruscan urns.
Then we got a very short dash through an upstairs gallery of paintings, with no time to look, but just snap pictures and run. There was a schedule to keep. So excuse the glare.
Beautiful drapery work.
Then we got a very short dash through an upstairs gallery of paintings, with no time to look, but just snap pictures and run. There was a schedule to keep. So excuse the glare.
Beautiful drapery work.
The fatal heel
One of those ubiquitous copies or near copies of Italian Renaissance master works.
Small Dutch landscapes
To be continued, with sculptures and more…..