Friday, October 30, 2015

Quinces and Felting

Many of you to whom I wrote yesterday responded favorably to this site idea - thank you. In this busy day I have not yet gotten the help I need to give you the rest of the information, but maybe that will work this weekend. On Sunday though, after an early worship service, we are going to Sigmund's sister's birthday party on the Bürgenstock, a mountain across from the Rigi. So I have been  thinking about a birthday card to make.

But first I had piles of quinces to attend. Our neighbors up the road set out two baskets of them: Quitten zum mitnehmen. Quitten are quinces. They have a tree, actually many kinds of fruit trees, and don't do anything with the harvest.   So I helped them by taking sacks-ful. Then I had to look up what one does with them to make Quittengelee. I have steps one though three done: rub off fuzz, cut up, and cook in water. Now they are to sit over night to increase in color. Then one retrieves the juice and makes jelly. That's for tomorrow.
It doesn't look so good yet, but maybe we'll have a clear golden-red jelly  tomorrow.

So eventually I pulled out some steel wire, felts and roving, floss, beads, and tools to work on a card.
I started bending and hammering and needle felting and sewing and beading for something for the birthday. This is what I have so far.

What will become of it tomorrow I don't know yet, but today is done.

Blessings on your day.

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