Monday, February 1, 2016


From Pam 

I tried to make a post about the program artwork on the way to the wedding (your son was my chauffeur) but the glitches made it frustrating so it didn't happen. So finally....

The beautiful work of art on the cover of the wedding program, designed by Sarah Marie, a dear and generous friend. 

This is how she describes the design which is based on Ecclesiasties 4:12

The theme is " a cord of three strands." The circle depicts the unending and enveloping love in the marriage, and the lifelong commitment proceeding from the vows of the wedding (the knot). Each cord is a different color ( here in tones) representing the bride and groom as individuals forming a union in God's care. The ends of the strands show the initials and a Trinity symbol. The encircling forms of the ends show the levels of care of husband for wife and God for the couple.
The flowers are a Christ Rose, also called Lenten Rose (Helleborus) to show the winter blooming of a new family. The apple blossoms and buds are representative of the family's new home in Washington. Baby's Breath are a prayer for many blessings for the couple.
And (you might note) the groom's name is leading...

That description was included in the wedding program.

The programs had periwinkle blue covers and white pages. 

They were professionally printed just two days before the wedding (as they say, if it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done) and my tireless helpers (here my oldest daughter and her husband) prepared them for the event.

We were on a tight budget so I called on many friends to make the day special. An old friend who is a retired floral designer agreed to make bouquets and boutonnières for the bridal party (that was all the flowers except for altar flowers that I arranged). She used to go dancing with Alyssa and wanted to participate in the wedding. Alyssa's favorite color is purple (like someone else we know) and though the wedding colors were navy blue, grey and silver, purple was the accent. All the flowers were purple. Annie added some sparkle to the bride's bouquet. Now, two days later, there is not yet even a single bloom fading.

One other project was a veil for Alyssa. She originally did not want to wear a veil at all (to the despair of her mother) but eventually agreed to wear mine. My veil (worn in 1981) was very long so I shortened it to be a hair piece for my daughter. Very late Friday night, after the rehearsal and dinner, I was still working on the last of my "ToDo" list and the veil was at the top. A friend from Kansas who came for the wedding offered to put the last stitches in the veil and it was a sleep saver for me!

                 The trimmed piece of veil.

The only time I got very emotional (was too busy the rest of the time) was when I placed the veil in Alyssa's hair and beheld what a beautiful bride she was!

We are still waiting for the "professional" photos (taken by my talented son) from the celebration and will share more when they appear.


  1. So you are still alive, Pam. I am glad for that; I thought maybe you would sleep for a week after the wedding - you probably need it, but also probably have oodles of "after" work to do now, and guests, and, and, and.
    Many thanks for the pictures of all the loveliness, (I guessed wrong on the beautiful bride's beautiful gown, but oh, well...)and for the tidbits of how it all came together. Florian told us a bit about the reception. (Did the children get him to dance with them?)A wedding is such a blessing for your family, and the groom's family. I am happy for you. And I love that bouquet!

  2. Today the dishes are being washed, counted, and boxed up to return to their homes...

    And I believe I heard (but did not witness) that my 14 year old niece, Evelyn, got Florisn to dance.

    1. Yes, I did witness...first I took Florian's arm and he literally sprinted out of the building. I believe I saw the bride make an attempt and she was rejected. Then the master of ceremonies (Neal) announced he would give $20 to anyone who could get Florian to dance. A while later I saw 14yo Evelyn lead him onto the dance floor where he stayed for about a minute with a smile on his face. He likes her. And she got her money. It was amusing!

    2. Ahh, then it did happen. Good to know; thanks for the details. Give my congratulations to Evelyn (and introduce her to Thom....)
