Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Crocheted Creatures

Sarah Y. enjoys using her crocheting skills to make adorable little creatures like these-


                               These were made using patterns she found on the internet. 

Today is Peter's birthday and since is a farmer and a cowboy who loves cattle and is raising two bovines of his own, Sarah wanted to make a cow for him. She came up with her own pattern for it.

                                       It's pretty adorable with its little horns and hooves.

Leah also used her artistic skills for a birthday gift by sketching a "portrait" of Peter's beloved Annabelle.



  1. Sarah, your little creatures really are adorable. What a nice gift.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Peter.
    Leah, your Annabelle portrait is well rendered. Good work.

  2. Those are adorable creatures! How difficult were they to make?
