Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday Watercolor from Sarah W.

From Sarah W. presently doing mercy work in the South Seas:
Here is my art project, mostly finished :)
It is meant to be a  Mother's Day card inspired by this quote:

  "You will never feel completely at home again because a piece of 
your heart will always be somewhere else. This is the price you pay for 
the richness of knowing and loving people in more than one place."

I used watercolors and some of the items you sent me to create a map of the world,
 with a heart in Alaska and a heart in the Philippines.
 The map isn't exact, missing some islands,
 but the key places for this project are there :) I am going to
 add the UK before I send it out.
I used an exact-o knife to cut out the continents 
from a paper I had painted with watercolor and 
transferred that to a white sheet of paper. I then made a frame and 
wrote out the quote, adding a few small decorations.
 It was fun to make!
 After adding a note to the back of the page I will send it off to 


  1. This has beautiful colors and is a truly creative idea.
    Well done!

  2. I was surprised by the second and third photos to see how tiny it is (it appears large in the first photo) Impressive cutting detail for such small continents! Lovely!
