Monday, August 29, 2016

Silk Roses

For Sometime, Perhaps

Kat thought it might come in handy, for some special occasion, to know how to make silk roses.

So we made a couple of practice ones. My silk yardage was almost gone, so they were quite short, but she knows the process for future reference. 

We investigated the idea of adding stamping to the silk for some pattern in the roses.

First: stamp

Second: fold in half, sew a running stitch along raw edges, gathering and winding and tacking every few inches

Two color stamping
Mine: very open and not full, but flowery

Kat's: tighter and more rose-like, with ideas for future tries.


  1. Awesome! Something else I need to try in the future, haha. :)

  2. Do. They can be very useful for many decorative purposes.
