Friday, March 24, 2017

Watercolours 15 - 17

First, Garden Flowers

Even though it was quite cool and windy today, preceding days have been balmy, so the flowers rejoiced. And I put some seeds in germinating trays to prepare for garden season.


Double daffodils

Roses pushing out first leaves.

The most visible sign of spring in neighbourhoods: Forsythia

Little "weeds" in the garden, but pretty seen up close

Tiny wild strawberries blooming

more weeds

Last winter's leftovers, still putting on a show

A very brave geranium, that will have to come in tonight.

The first of a profusion to come, and hardy

Then Watercolors

A few more quick studies today, just for fun and practice:

Apply wet washes and salt

While that one dries, do this little guy on a small sheet. I have two watercolour blocks so I can work while one dries, but even that isn't enough to prevent wait time. so I went out to do chores and put the horses out on grass. Arthos didn't want to come in, so the papers got more drying time.

This built nice effects.

"The Owl and the Pussy WILLOW went to sea, In a beautiful pea-green boat. They took some honey, And plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five pound note. " With apologies to Mr. Lear. (This picture was just a partial copy from a photo.)

So was this (sort of), but it was great for inspiring effects.

And a super quick piece

some details of the salt effects

Aren't they pretty?

Happy Spring!


  1. I LOVE salt in watercolor, such fun effects. And I love your fish lady! Hilarious. I am enjoying your watercolors.

  2. The fish lady is really cool. More funny watercolors, please.

  3. Ah, those flowers! <3 I have never heard of salt in watercolor before! That looks really interesting! Is it complicated?

  4. No, it is very simple: sprinkle salt on wet areas and the salt draws water to itself, leaving pretty patterns as the water dries. Then brush salt off the dry painting.
