Thursday, October 4, 2018

More Mongolia

Back country and City

Seen along the road. "Do you want to stop?" Yes, we did.

A vulture, too.

For tourists to get their pictures taken with a bird of prey. He was heavy.

Many dinosaur skeletons are found in Mongolia. Here is a park to show some kinds.

A yurt camp, this one for tourists. 

The rocky landscape

A Mongolian mastiff. They are guard dogs, not herding dogs, and said to be of an independent mind.

A Mongolian meal with soup, rice, and a wooden bucket of mutton and vegetables on hot rocks.  In the original version, a whole carcass is stuffed with hot rocks to cook it from the inside, then numerous hours later served thus. After eating, one can hold the warm rocks to keep his hands from getting cold while stories are told.

The plain blocky Soviet-style Parliament building got some decorations fairly recently with the addition of this trim and some well-done sculptures. This is Genghis Khan, the national hero, of course, from when Mongolia ruled a big chunk of the globe. By the third generation the empire was crumbling, for want of training sons.

Mongolian warriors in front of the parliament building.

A rather contorted equestrian statue in the parliament square. This commemorates the Mongolians helping Russia to help them get rid of Chinese rule in the 1930's. In return, Russia made their country communist, until the 1990's, when Mongolia became independent with their own parliamentary government.

A Mongolian wedding party with mixed attire.

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