Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Plus a Dresser Drawer Project

Art school stuff from last week:

Two-point perspective (with mess-ups, haha)

Pen and ink exercise -- with ball-point pen; my Microns finally came in the mail :)

Pastels exercise, only 8 inches wide

Plus, a dresser drawer project:

The insides of these drawers were really rough, so I lined them with contact paper. That way, clothes and other things won't get snagged on splintery parts.

I removed the handles and reattached them afterward, also. Not the best job, but it's neat enough for my purposes, and it will work. :)

inside of the front, with reattached handles

finished drawer!

I made sure to place the front pieces of lining well below the edge, so that nothing would show on the front of the dresser when all the drawers are closed. It is quite a fine thing now, if I do say so myself! XD


  1. Ooh, I love that patterned contact paper! Now you need to do a cool paint job on the outside with some stenciling or something... ;-)

    1. Thanks, haha, yeah, it is borrowed, so I don't think I can take THAT many liberties with how I beautify it! XD
