Monday, March 1, 2021

Holy Week Cross

For Little Ones

This is to help tell the stories of Holy Week, leading up to Easter.
Each box is for the events of that day of the week, starting from Palm Sunday and going through Holy Saturday. 
This would also work for children to narrate back what they heard, if they are old enough to do so. 

On a base of black paper (or it could be purple), the story cross is glued to one side. The other side has a white cross glued on it for Easter, and can be decorated. 

If anyone wants scans of these for the children in your life, I can email them. I plan to do a story outline for each day also. 


  1. Yes, please! I’m sitting here with a precocious little 3yo boy who is asking to do something but it’s raining outside. An art project would be fun.

  2. What an excellent idea! Saving this to my kids' crafts Pinterest board XD ♥
