Tuesday, August 10, 2021

LIfe Drawing and Pretty Blooms

During laundry again:

(the discolored spot above the car on this page was a sunlight patch that the camera decided to villainize)

And the pretties from Sunday that I couldn't help but share (not mine, I don't pretend to garden or arrange squat these days haha)

I think the tiny purple ones were called Sea Lavender? I have such a goldfish memory lately. But I've never seen them before and I am in love.

idk, I kind of squashed them on the ride home, but these just made my week better XD enjoy also!

Busy, busy, busy! With the roommate's wedding, and the horrors of job hunting, I am sorry to say I'm just dropping this and running off again; but I will catch up on the other blog posts soon! They look interesting from the thumbnails I saw in the Compose list on Blogger here. ♥ Take care!


  1. Life drawing! Great to see, Sarah.
    And your flowers really are delightful.
    Best wishes in the hunt.
