Friday, December 11, 2015

Jacob and Lights

Sunlit Frost

It froze here last night. The day before had been damp and foggy, so the moisture turned to beautiful frost this morning. One can really find out where the cobwebs are.

The view was a little more clear than this looking straight into the sun, but I like the wash effect...

What it actually looked like in the soft gray haze.

Morning walk. (These are not Thom-quality pictures, but you get the idea of the frosty effects.)


The figure for the Jesse Tree for today is Jacob, the son of Isaac and Rebecca, and the younger twin of Esau.  Jacob, like his mother, whose favorite he was, was also a schemer, but he seems to have grown into a faithful worker and faithful believer in the Promise that God specially gave him in a dream. Jacob's name was changed to Israel, and he is usually mentioned with Abraham and Isaac as the Father of God's people.

Verses for today:
Genesis 26 - 36
Matthew 1: 2
Luke 3: 34

Advent Calendars

Today one calendar showed this fun snow scene

And the other had this storybook of Sleeping Beauty:

"Little Thorn Rose"

The christening feast with the Wise Women

City Sidewalks and City Lights and the Pied Piper

Yesterday, when I was in Zürich,

City lights, not snow. (so sorry for the fuzzy night pictures)

Bahnhofstrasse Christmas lights

 I had finished my last shopping stop, at the English Bookstore, and was ready to head home,

when I heard the sounds of an approaching bagpipe, and saw the city's children being led by the piper

 to Mount Doom
.....otherwise known as the Singing Christmas Tree

.....with this by it....
.... and this. (The sign says "Gluhwine" - spiced wine - and it smelled divine)

I had always wondered how they got on that mountain, and finally saw the door that swallowed them.

But they were happy on their mountain and sang cheerfully of The First Noel and Mary's Baby Boy, sometimes in English and sometimes in Swiss.

Creative Business Gifts
Construction companies give gifts to their contractors at this time of year, so our household is blessed. A gift basket made from the mesh material used in the construction of balcony fences
Various creative items incorporating the work of the company who gave it. The Biber cookies have photo frosting images of work done by the company.

This is a solid steel laser-cut card.

These fondue forks have handles that won't be breaking anytime soon.

Next figure pictures

The next Jesse Tree pictures should be posted here later today. My blog-helper was away at his military tests (he was deemed "fit to serve"), then had to prepare for an interview today, so may be able to put the pictures up here later today when he gets home.


  1. Trying to comment!!!!!! I love what you are doing here. Love Zurich at Christmas! What a blessing to see the things you do there - Pied piper etc! All your decorations are so lovely. I hope the family appreciates all you do at Christmas!!!!!! Blessings!

  2. The spider webs are gorgeous! What unique things of God's creation, ONLY thru Him can we see such!

  3. Yea! You did it! I'm glad you figured out how to comment here. Can be tricky at first.
    I like outside spider webs in frost, too, just not inside ones...
    Today is balmy spring-like sunshine.
    Thanks for the compliments.
