Sunday, December 13, 2015

Lion of Judah

Third Sunday in Advent


Today's figure for the Jesse Tree is Judah. His name comes from a word meaning to confess, which developed into "Praise." He has many mentions and several stories about his life in the Bible, and his name was the basis for a people and a region and a religion. Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. Judah's sins are noted, but so is his act of self-sacrifice in Egypt for his brother Benjamin and his father. Judah becomes primary in the family line to Jesus after his older brothers do some wicked deeds. He is associated with a lion from a prophecy about him, and the Sun of Righteousness comes from his offspring.

Verses for today:
Genesis 29: 35; 35: 23
Genesis 49: 8- 10
Isaiah 11: 12, 13
Micah 5: 2
Matthew  1: 2
Luke 3: 33
Hebrews 7: 14
Revelation 5: 5

Advent Calendars

Behind a window were these playing cats

The storybook was this:

Do take note of Pam's quilt in the previous post.

And I happened to notice that Kat had a post prepared that was not showing, so I posted it. I hope that is what you wanted, Kat. If you were still working on it, just go to "edit." It may be that Google blocked the post, because I got a notice about someone using an "unrecognized device" here, which simply means you need to post more frequently!

And note also that the rest of the Jesse Tree figures were posted yesterday for printing.

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