Sunday, March 13, 2016

Scherenschnitte Ideas


If you had a windfall in your pocket and were looking to buy a Scherenschnitte (traditional papercut in black paper mounted on white) while supporting a good cause, what might you be inclined to chose of these? These drawings following are rough sketches that would be suitable for making into  papercuts.

Or would you prefer a less traditional one and pick something with color?


Don't forget that the final day for entering the Lenten Cross contest is this Friday. I hope to be able to show you the cross for the prize very soon.


  1. I prefer the traditional black and white papercuts, the more intricate the better. But they're so expensive (and rightly so, when you consider how much time and skill goes into making even a small one).

  2. I can't seem to have an opinion about that. Decisions are not my strong suit.

    But I hope to work on my cross today! Got my husband to do the part I needed from him yesterday...

  3. I think traditional is great too, and the more intricate the better. I prefer the landscape scenes with animals, birds, trees, etc.
    Traditional black and white is wonderful but so was the colored one you made for Katrina, so either!
    I'll get back to you about how to contribute it.
