Friday, March 4, 2016

Signs of Spring

March is coming in like a lamb here in Oregon.


I have planted lots of bulbs during the last two fall seasons so I could enjoy this as soon as the snow melted away in the spring.


           Soon the daffodils will open, maybe in time for Easter. The tulips will follow next month.

                             This Lenten Rose (Hellebore) always blooms beautifully for Lent.


For several weeks now we've had many hundreds of honking geese flying over our little farm and landing for rest in the field across the road. I've never had a camera in hand to capture them in flight.

                                 A couple weeks ago I brought spring to my back porch.



                           Have a lovely March day, no matter whether it is lambish or lionlike!


  1. Beautiful spring! While ours is Lion-like (more snow-rain mix today), the daffodils are pushing hard and should be open for Easter. But, I think you have inspired me bring in a little more color. Our wild primulas are blooming all over, but color on one's porch is vital for cheeriness. I love yours. And, I renew my resolve to get some Helleborus, in various colors. I like the idea of perennials that don't need a lot of work or digging up or re-newing.
    And I love your garden sculptures (I had to tell Stef that the Celtic cross was not a gave stone, which he found disappointing.)

  2. Make that "to bring." Why can't we do edits?

  3. Aw, I thought the Celtic Cross was a gravestone too!
    Pam, I'm envious. It's snowing non-stop on my mountain, with predictions of the same for the entire week... Mom made me a pot with daffodils that's barely been out in the past two weeks because of subfreezing temperatures... And I'm not sure it survived being outside yesterday.
