Thursday, June 9, 2016

Chicken Coop

Several years ago, my husband wanted to build a new chicken coop.  The spot he wanted for it is at the corner of the garden, in full view of the house, kitchen porch, driveway, road... pretty much all over.  I agreed to the site on the condition that we make it cute.

So he pulled out the weathered red barn wood, cute window, and red tin and it turned out pretty well.
Then while waiting for Andrew to be born, I was looking for things to do, so I got out my favorite stencil and prettied up the door a little.  I always intended to do more, but this is how it has remained ever since.


  1. Yes! It deserves its own blog post. Katie also has an ingenious chicken run that circles the garden like a tunnel made of wire fence. The chickens keep the weeds and bugs down around the garden but can't get into it to eat the good stuff.

  2. Cool! Tell us more about your chickens, Katie!

  3. Cutest coop ever, and most ingenious bug trap. I will keep that on note. Thanks for this edifying post! The
