Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Necklace Makeovers

I have a few necklaces lying around that I don't wear, but like certain elements of. So I thought I'd revamp some, and then maybe I will actually use them.

I started with two old necklaces, some chain, string, a locket, and findings. I took the two necklaces apart, saving the pieces that were still good for future projects.

I measured out 33" of chain for the long necklace, and attached a jump ring to one end.

Then I strung on the two pendants, taking care that they would face the right way.

And added a second jump ring with the lobster clasp to finish.

For the second necklace, I used the clasp from the original, and attached the string to the first part with a lark's head knot.

I strung on beads to the halfway point.

I used this cute split ring to hang the locket charm. The thin string won't slip through the cut, like it might with a jump ring!

Then I finished stringing the beads, and tied on the other end of the barrel clasp with many knots.

Ta-da! Two new necklaces!

This project took me a little under three hours to complete, but hopefully these pieces won't just sit around on my shelf, now. Have a good crafting week!


  1. Fun! I have done this with old jewelry, too. Sometimes I have found things at yard sales and thrift stores that need some "modification" before I wear them...

  2. Fun! I have done this with old jewelry, too. Sometimes I have found things at yard sales and thrift stores that need some "modification" before I wear them...

  3. I don't know why you girls always have to repeat yourselves. :-)

    I have containers and tiny baggies full of broken necklace beads and parts. Maybe......someday......

  4. Nice work, Sarah. I too do some of that sort of making. You started a good alternate line of creativity here. Anybody else want to share adornments? They are fun to see and maybe emulate.
