Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gelli Print Note Cards

 Sarah received a note card I made from some gelli printed paper and wanted to see more. These photos were taken last winter when daughter Katie demonstrated gelli printing for me at her home. We had a fun session of experimentation that resulted in a few sheets worth keeping. Katie will have to do a post on the actual process as I don't have photos of that part.

When I was looking fruitlessly for a note card to send I decided to make one and came across the prints I had made. I cut out sections of the gelli prints and attached them to note cards  and embellished with washi tape (I'm getting quite a collection of tapes!) The flowers are washi tape stickers I found at Wally recently. I had so much enjoyment from making one card that I made several more. It's been so long since I've done a craft project outside the kitchen! I haven't put away my supplies in hope that I will get a few more minutes to make more cards.

They aren't great but they are something which is more than nothing which is what I have accomplished in the craft department all summer.

I recently had to drop a wad of cash on a new laptop for my business. This will enable me to also get back to doing occasional blog posts as it solves the photo and editing issues I had been having. Woohoo!


  1. Oh, those turned out nice! Maybe this winter I'll do some printing again and post the steps. Need to get my project space put together first.

  2. Super cool! So glad you got to do some crafting! :)

    Yes, I for one would like to see the gelli printing process sometime!
