Sunday, October 20, 2019


Art Show

My first art teacher, in college, is retiring and had his 40 year retrospective show. I was in his first class of students. (That tells you something.) I went to see the show while I was in Minnesota. 

Here are a few of his works.

Detail of above

Detail of above


  1. Oh, those rocks in the bottom photo are the BEST! How can I love a painting of rocks so much? All those colors! These paintings are ALL lovely.

  2. That is so cool you got to go to that!!! And that artwork is amazing... <3 I wonder if I could get that good in 40 years? XD

  3. {{{{swoon}}}} I want them. All.

    It's all about the light.

    How wonderful that you got to attend that. Did you see the teacher? Very special !!
