Sunday, August 30, 2020

Back Again

Sort of...

As mentioned earlier, I have been working on a collection of small painted illustrations for a book promotion. Twenty one of them in varying degrees of complexity. Now they are finished. But now some new works need yo be completed very quickly for another promotion, and I can’t post them here either, so, this site will still languish except for what Sarah Y. cares to post. 

But, I have some “wipe sheet” little pieces in progress, which may turn into fairy tale works for little ones in the States. I plan to head there shortly - if the world holds together - for the birth of our twin grandchildren, and I will then take the collected watercolors and whatnot from the months’ painting since I was there last, to distribute. 

So, here will follow some in-progress pieces. This one was an old small canvas panel that surfaced in some clearing out and packing, along with a few more that probably also will get the same treatment. I will just add paint, stenciling, maybe collage and whatever, and see what comes of it /them.

How I found it....

Paint added to cover open spots and rough spots.... be Continued.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!!! Safe travels!
    (I'm so excited to see your illustration work when it's done!)
