Sunday, August 16, 2020

UnInvited, but Fascinating

She kept him live.

This little wasp visited our picnic after we ate. He found a bit of meat and worked long and hard chiseling a chunk off, while the mistress of the plate kept at bay the deadly bottle caps that would have halted all such efforts. Eventually the chunk came loose, the wasp pushed it here and there, into barbecue sauce and under spoons, until it got a good grip, then lumbered into the air with it, flying small circles until it got its bearings. Then off it went with its prize, wholly unaware of how its life was protected from imminent danger in the whole process. 
If you also had the reading today about immense dangers facing us and yet we are “more than conquerors,” then this was a fine illustration of our plight and salvation. 

Busily at work, while danger hovers just outside the picture.

Actually, the grill dinner was much more appetizing than the picture above appears. 

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