We did a little “Lantern Walk” in our local sort-of-bigger town of Heiden. The description was appealing, but if anyone has been to or would expect something American, he would be disappointed. Those have innumerable colored lights, enough illumination to look like daytime, and nervous energy everywhere. This was actually and literally a lantern walk: the path had jars of battery-powered light strings at intervals along the walking path. Punctuating the way were handmade decorations of angels or Wichtels or trees, mostly unlit or faintly lit. But it was a pleasant walk and many people obviously came to do the stroll.
The Start, the most lit part
The Lanterns
The Path
Decorations along the way, as lit by flashlight in hand.
A “Post Office “ where one could deposit a letter to the Christkind
Better Half’s favorite:
By turning the bike wheel dynamo, the lights in the jars came on.
Close ups of some jars
A Crèche of painted rocks played “Stille Nacht”
Then came the one spot with colored and moving lights.
It was by the covered bridge.
School children had made decorations.
And at the End a music box played.
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