Friday, February 22, 2019

Lino Cut

I tried something new!  I have wanted to learn block printing for a long time, so I got a small kit and tried it out.

This Skillshare class was "Illustration-based linoleum carving and printing".  The Instructor suggested an animal theme with a whimsical style.  I really enjoyed designing this and carving it, and I like the overall design I came up with, but I am disappointed with the rendering of the hare's face.  I think I had it drawn okay and I drew it many times to make sure I didn't get "angry eyes".  When it came down to the carving however, the gouge is much harder to control than a pencil, and I think the result looks like something I would have drawn as a child.  Oh well, it was a first try.  There will be more as soon as I can get more blocks!  

I tried printing on a couple gelli prints and a roll-off paper, just for fun.  In the future I'll experiment more with other surfaces.


  1. This is so cool! Really fun and different! I think it looks fantastic
