Friday, December 22, 2017

Advent 22

Carpenter's Son

22. The Carpenter's Son

After the exalted titles of Son of God and prophetic Son of Man, “the carpenter's son” seems very lowly. And it is. A carpenter is a common worker, of no political or social power. And that was the point of those applying it to Jesus. Nonetheless, in that title, in conjunction with His other names, we have another revelation of God's wondrous grace. For it is not to the mighty, not to the proud, not those who move and shake the world, but to the ordinary in the ordinary ways of life that God works His miraculous plans. By simple water, in bread and wine, through normal words, by human reaching to fellow human, by the love of spouses and families and friends for one another and for strangers, He carries out and reveals His goodness and grace and mercy to those who can see past the label of “carpenter,” or “just a Mom,” or “that girl….” So He employs our ordinary hands and tongues and feet for His work and His glory.

Matthew 13: 55

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