Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Advent 5


5. A Lamb

This picturesque name for our Savior is unambiguous. In the Old Testament, abundant prefigurements explain the meaning of the term as a perfect, innocent, substitutionary sacrifice for the sin of others. We read this in the stories of Abraham's offering of Isaac, of the first Passover and the blood on the doorposts, in the countless mentions of temple offerings, and in John the Baptist's specific naming of Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Then we read of the life and work and work of Jesus, how He never sinned, how He helped and served, how He gave His life for others, and how His death atoned for all the sins the lambs' blood never could. This Lamb though had a different ending to His sacrifice: He arose from death and lives eternally, and gives that same gift to those He Justifies.

Genesis 22
Exodus 12
Numbers 6:14
John 1: 36
Hebrews 9: 12, 22

Revelation 14 : 4; 17: 14

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