We have an old rocking chair. It was bequeathed to us long ago by an old man in our church, after his wife died. We were newly wed, and in a new state, and that elderly couple were some of the first to welcome us to the congregation and to the area. The chair has gone with us to our many homes over the years. It had been painted a green, and a yellow, and then a non-descript dinginess. The seat started shedding its innards. Parts were held together with angle irons. But it means something to us, so eventually we took it to the furniture re-finishers in this area to make it better. They did. The paint is gone, and it has a lovely stain to show off the wood. It is re-enforced and strong. It is newly stuffed and upholstered in a sturdy leather. It will serve at least a couple of generations well. The old man is long gone, but we think he would like to see it.
We always enjoy seeing what the furniture refinishers have on offer when we visit, which is infrequently. This time it was these:
For a particular taste, I suppose.
I like these colors.
Happy end-of-May to you. We have been in drenching downpours for a week, and are hoping for some sunshine soon. It would make the tomatoes happy. They are covered, but it isn’t warm and cozy outside.