Saturday, January 28, 2023

Scherenschnitte Card

In the Mail

Isn’t this pretty? It is by a well-known Swiss paper-cut artist . (This isn’t the original, because these days Lasers can be programmed to copy this kind of art work, but the design is there and the skill in the original is evident.)

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Sourdough Bread!

Today, and Yesterday, and the Day Before…

I finally got the starter that Pam gave me fed enough, awakened, cajoled, and patted on the head so that I thought it might be willing to work for me. These little masses have to be handled more precisely than a fancy show horse. I know they can be revived after neglect, but they won’t work for you without you following a whole ream of instructions. The amount of advice and numbers of questions, and plethora of troubleshooting articles on the internet shows I’m not the only one trying to get the timing, grams, proportions, order of operations, containers, rising times, textures, and bubble displays just right. 

Well, I didn’t get them all just right, but I made some bread. One loaf after hours and days and nights, and an early morning check of bubbles. It wouldn’t win any prizes at the county fair, but it was edible and Better Half was enthusiastic. I said I’d try again next week. Maybe in ten years I might get the system learned. (My own breadmaking, with yeast, up to this time was start to finish in three hours, including rising, with lots of latitude for this much of this and about that much of that, and I feel like adding this or this and that. Oh, well, new adventures.)

I know, the “ears” aren’t right, might be under-proofed (I was trying hard not to over-proof), and maybe too dense. But it wasn’t gooey (though I had to restrain hubby from eating it fresh out of the oven - it did smell good), and the crust was crisp, but maybe too crisp. Experience will tell. 

So, number one. It’s probably like paintings: the first 100 don’t count, just practice pieces.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Anniversary Cards

By Material 

For a recent wedding anniversary in the family, I made a beginning set of “cards” in the designated traditional materials. They are intended to have photos added on the fronts and highlights of the year noted on the backs. Then in fifty years they can look back and remember what happened when. 

Paper, cotton, leather.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Quilts Up

For Pam

Two out of three of your gifts to me are now out and up. I need a longer hanging pole for the other. But soon, D.v.
They add such cheer and color to my space. 
Thank you!

(This isn’t a final space design, by any means, but I wanted the quilts out and visible.)

Thursday, January 19, 2023

In Winter


More snow, after balmy, spring-like temperatures, and now bitterly cold.

But inside are promises of Spring. And a heavenly scent. These are from old bulbs that faithfully come back every year. They sit in a pot in a cold side room most of the year, starting to push out leaves in the winter, until I bring them in to the warmth and then they burst forth in glory. 

A Tidbit

Just Fun to see

Some young ladies made these macaroons. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

Italian, Local

To Pam, with Apologies 

After church on Sunday, Better Half and I went looking for a place to eat. He said he had been wanting to try a relatively new hole-in-the-wall Italian place on the edge of town. It turned out to be an experience worth repeating. You would like it, Pam. We hadn’t been there before, so never thought of it while you were here. Sorry. Come back again, and we will go.
Italians run it. A Nonna cooks. The ingredients are all imported from Italy.  And the flavors take you back there. 
It is a tiny place with four tables. As usual, it was empty when we went in, and as is the typical case, where Better Half goes, people flock, so it was full twice before we left. 

We heartily recommend the Primitivo. 

The sample platter: lasagna, Cannelloni, and stuffed pepper. 

Pinsa! Very good Pinsa.

Puffs. That isn’t blood - we shared nicely. It is raspberry sauce.

A shortbread-like filled tart, with hazelnut chocolate and cream inside. 

More samples: after Dinner Schnaps: bitters, herbal, and Limoncello. 
We went home with one bottle of each, and the wine, and fixings for our own Pinse. 
Come join us for dinner this week, if you wish. 

Friday, January 6, 2023

Blessed Epiphany Day

Manifested By a Star

Wise Men still seek Him. And God still leads them in miraculous ways. And God still thwarts tyrants, and avenges Rachel and her children. And God still protects His own, and carries out His plan in inconspicuous but marvelous ways. 

Seek and ye shall find. 

Of course, the Wise Men did not find Jesus still in a manger -He was quite a bit older and in a house - but that is the depiction I have in this set. And, we do notice that the Child is quite well grown.

And this was an Epiphany gift to me from my WiseMan. You can infer all sorts of things. 😁❤️

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year 2023

New Start

We live in interesting times - and what this year will bring could surprise us considerably. But, today is a good start and we will give thanks for what blessings we have. 

The sun shone. It was balmy outside. We worshiped. We walked. We ate. We are well. 

And the moon was up in the middle of the afternoon. Interesting times.

Blessings to each and all on your New Year.