Thursday, February 28, 2019

Conifer Cones

What would you do with them?

I was given these today. They have beautiful shapes. They will be lovely in table arrangements and still-lifes. Other ideas?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Art School Updates and February Life Drawing

Some art school updates:

the finished boxes exercise, from Perspective class last time

pen and ink patterns

perspective class

 And finally, my life drawing for the month of February:

I did these while sitting in a parking lot for about an hour, between dropping my sister off for her job and waiting for when I had to go to a work meeting. The last one in the bottom right is extra sloppy because I was running out of time, and then another vehicle parked right in the way of my view and I was done, haha :)

It's snowing again here. Hope everyone is staying safe and warm! <3

Friday, February 22, 2019

Lino Cut

I tried something new!  I have wanted to learn block printing for a long time, so I got a small kit and tried it out.

This Skillshare class was "Illustration-based linoleum carving and printing".  The Instructor suggested an animal theme with a whimsical style.  I really enjoyed designing this and carving it, and I like the overall design I came up with, but I am disappointed with the rendering of the hare's face.  I think I had it drawn okay and I drew it many times to make sure I didn't get "angry eyes".  When it came down to the carving however, the gouge is much harder to control than a pencil, and I think the result looks like something I would have drawn as a child.  Oh well, it was a first try.  There will be more as soon as I can get more blocks!  

I tried printing on a couple gelli prints and a roll-off paper, just for fun.  In the future I'll experiment more with other surfaces.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


A Hint of Spring Coming

Oma has the most unique garden, full of a lifetime of finds.

In mine, the first after-snow buds are opening in the sunshine we are enjoying.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Watercolor 239

Back to Wash-y

These two are back-to-back exercises. The first is hard-edged and not appealing. The second is a bit more what I am going for, with lost and found edges and a focus on the paint and not the subject. After about another hundred, I might get there.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Acrylics and Art School Exercises

From Leah:

(note from Sarah: this is like my favorite painting that Leah has done "of ever," I think *squeals* XD)

Was having a super rough day, and sat down for 5hrs and whipped out this! I like how it turned out! An original Swiss painting! I sure miss Switzerland!

I did this quick painting on Valentine's Day. It was supposed to be even more simple...but you know me with "simple art." I go detailed/perfectionist. ;)

Another acrylic painting I did. This one was very fun!

From Sarah:

Here's some art school homework; over half of the classes I'm taking this semester either don't have exercises yet, or you are supposed to leave your work at the school.

In Gouache, we are starting with a color wheel, to get a feel for how the paints mix and such. The teacher said the consistency should feel like "frosting" XD

Perspective class exercises -- 3D letters, and boxes from above (not finished), both in one-point perspective, which you can see especially since I left the pencil lines that were guides. :)  It's a little more mathematical for an art technique than what I've learned so far, but it is fun and non-stressful so far, haha!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Not Watercolor


And note: I just added a response to a comment on a previous post, and it took me twelve!! of the "click on all the cars/buses/traffic lights/bicycles/storefronts you see." That's why I don't reply.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Watercolor 237


Watercolor: Birds and Blooms

It's been cold and icy with power outages and the ground looks like it's covered in broken glass.

I've done two more Skillshare classes.  One was about painting birds.

I found my own reference photos to work from, following the instructor's directions.  At first the instructor said not to make too careful of a drawing, just focus on painting colorful birds.  After making a sparrow that looked more like and angry crow, I decided to disregard that piece of advice and made more careful drawings.

I am not super happy with these-- they seem a little tight and amateur-- but I enjoyed them anyway and learned some things and moved on.

Yesterday I did one about painting loose dahlias. 

My first attempts while following the teacher were pretty dismal, but after watching all the videos, I found reference photos and did my own thing, and I am very happy with how these turned out.  I used a big, moppy Chinese calligraphy brush, which was extra fun. I think I will do more, but also want to move on to another class.  I think I will do some dramatic skies next.

Also, yesterday the kids made a few valentines.  Evan made these cute ones with old playing cards.  He attached a sucker to the pipe-cleaner hand of each one for a treat.  The one pictured is Baby Ruby's and he used a "queen of hearts" for her on purpose.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentines Day

Hearts, Hearts, Hearts

Even though the day is not celebrated here, I like it and always observe it.

Dessert with chocolate and cherries

Ancient Valentines resurrected every year

And for supper –

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

New Craft

Cozy Candles

On a very snowy day, on a visit to shovel loads of snow off the roof, this project was in progress at Maria's artistic little house. She got a candle-making kit for Christmas and now can try her own for wintery nights.

On the right is part of the former snow level.

So one goes inside to the toasty warmth, and closes out this enormous pile at the front door. 

In ones artsy kitchen, one melts wax granules....

... and pours the coloured liquids in forms, and adds whatever decor one has made.

inspired by winter-blooming Amaryllis.

Then let them cool while reading a book, with tea, in the library....

... with this view out the window.