Tuesday, November 27, 2018

New Artworks

From Leah:

Pencil sketch

From Sarah:

We went to Luzern (English spelling: Lucerne), so I decided to make something based on the adventures of the day -- in a Scherenshnitt/paper-cutting-art inspired style. It's flawed, of course, but I'm pretty happy with it, especially since it was a spur-of-the-moment project which, as usual, turned out to be a little more complicated than what I'd planned on doing, haha. :D

Recreated in this piece are the Chapel Bridge (Kappelbrücke?), the Lion of Luzern monument, and the Church of St. Leodegar. We went to other places, too, but I didn't put everything into the artwork.


  1. Sarah, I love your piece! But it's not a paper cut, is it? I immediately recognized it as a scherenschnitte style but had to look closely. Great job commemorating the day !

    1. Thank you! :D No, it's not a paper cut -- it's ink pen and marker in my sketchbook, that I just styled to resemble that kind of work, keeping in mind that if I'd tried to cut it out that the elements would be connected as if they were made from a single piece of paper.
