Saturday, December 15, 2018

Advent in the D House

Not much art around here lately, but I do have some decorations up for Advent.  More to come (we still do not have a tree), but that's why we have all of Advent to prepare.

Pardon the blur on the above photo-- I was experimenting with some low-light photos while we listened to stories of St. Nicholas during out annual celebration. 

AND (two days later) I finally tried making the Grittibanz...  I need to work on the shaping, but this was my first attempt (because I always forget).  The children were enchanted, nonetheless.

Just today I finished making stocking for my littlest two children.  Excuse the side-ways photos, I don't know why they won't orient right. 

And here are all the kids' stockings.  I have never quite gotten to putting names on them, but I think I need to do that because I am starting to have trouble remembering whose is whose. 

That "vintage" green poinsettia fabric came, I believe, from my Mom's fabric stash.  I didn't quite have enough for the baby's stocking this year, sadly, so I bought some new poinsettia fabric.  You can't see in the photos, but the white materials have glittery and snowy prints.

I have a few small tree decorations that I love.  We put tiny "fairy" lights on the little tree on the piano and the kids enjoy randomly setting them from "soft twinkle" to "give mom a seizure" just for fun.

And lastly, the kids had fun with this little craft kit I bought on clearance last year.  They made a whole little pile of trees to give away to friends.


  1. Cool! Nice Grittibanz; I don't know the difference between those and what you were attempting to create -- they look amazing :D

    I hope the fairy light situation does not get too crazy, haha

  2. If you recall, the stockings in this household did not have names either but I had ways of knowing whose was whose. Just last year though, (or maybe the year before) I put first intitials on each one, so now they are monogrammed and other people can figure out whose are whose too.
