Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Dry Erase Schedule Board

My roommate and I like to keep our weekly work schedules on the wall in dry erase, and we recently made a new board because we accidentally broke the other one, haha!

It's just a dollar store picture frame with dry erase sticker paper over the glass, and the "permanent" Sharpie marker. Then we just use whiteboard markers for the writing that changes every week (not shown here). We each use a different color to keep things straight.



 (yeah, sorry for the bad lighting - it's been raining a lot ☺)


Merry Christmas to all! ♥


  1. "Dry erase sticker paper" There is such a thing? Never heard of it 🤔
    Glad you are teaching your room mate about organization!

    1. Yeah! It comes on a tube like contact paper, and that was actually my roommate's idea! XD ♥

  2. What a creative idea. Green crafts.
    Rather n here too, and very warm, but snow expected for Christmas Day. Happy thought.
