Monday, December 19, 2022

Tis the Season

For Fruitcakes and ……Pinsa

Trotting back and forth between houses is a bit cumbersome, but things are in progress for rapidly-approaching Christmas. The fruitcakes are made and ripening in cherry Schnapps. (Some people loath them, I hear, but some of us love them.) Some non-storable apples needed to be used, too. (These are not Pam-quality pie crusts, but we enjoyed them anyway. Whipped cream covers a multitude of sins.)

On this past Sunday after church in Glattfelden….

…..a few of us went to an Italian restaurant with THE BEST ingredients - tomato sauce that tastes garden fresh and sun-ripened - in December, smoky bacon and ham, fresh flower garnish, and an Italian atmosphere in snowy Switzerland. 

And three of us each chose a Pinsa. (Plural: pinse, from Latin, to stretch, to spread.) These look like pizzas, but are NOT. The dough is fermented for a couple of days. The finished product is crispy outside and soft inside. Ours were from a wood-fired oven. They are oval-shaped, not too big, just right for a meal. Simply marvelous. 

And then followed the finishing of the Christmas letter process. Most got mailed tonight, so they will be late to the other side of the world; but we have twelve days of Christmas, so they should arrive sometime during those Christmas days. 

And, I did a few Christmas-y watercolors. 

I will show more later.


  1. Wait a minute…where is this Italian place ? And why didn’t we go there??

  2. 🫤😁 In Glattfelden, not in the directions we went. SMB
