Friday, August 25, 2023

Book Vernissage

Wine Country, Maienhalde

This evening we went to a friend’s presentation of his book. He is doing a series of these throughout Switzerland. And the Swiss don’t do things by halves. The meeting was in an old vineyard restaurant, with beautiful carvings on the support posts, and their own wines - very fine - and accordion players. Unfortunately I didn’t get interior pictures, but you might want to see the setting. 

This is looking toward the Austrian Alps. 

A sunny location for grapevines. 

The house next to the restaurant. Lovely flower boxes.

Direction to the entrance of the restaurant. 

And how long does a book presentation last, you ask? This one was five hours. And we actually enjoyed it. 


  1. Attentive Swiss. Love it. Meb

  2. Who was the author?

  3. Rudolf Schmidheiny, with the book (in German) Children Belong to Their Parents, Not to the State. There is some stir about it. SMB
