Tuesday, April 16, 2024

R.I.P. Arthos

Old Friend

Yesterday in the early morning hours, my old horse left this mortal coil. He was 28. I had him for 23 years, and he was part of our family in all our children’s growing years. He had gotten threadbare and tooth worn with lots of ailments, but he was a character up to his end. He was perfectly normal at night chores the day before.  The vet said he had a peaceful end. 

And so an era ends. 

My last photo of Arthos about two weeks ago. A casual snap as I was walking by. I’m glad now I took it. 


  1. Awww!! 🥺 So sorry for your loss. I know losing a horse, especially one who has been with you so long, is hard for you. You have memorialized him in so many photos and paintings. I’m glad he brought you so much joy and companionship in your Swiss life.

  2. Thank you, Pam. SMB
