Friday, August 9, 2024

Warsaw 6


We were led to a fine restaurant that hosted military officers in former years. The walls were outfitted with enough armaments to hold a fairly substantial attack. The food was traditional Polish fare, very well prepared, and elegantly served. 
My picture-taker was being charged by special request, so pictures are minimal. 

Behold said officers.

The other weapons were on walls, and didn’t get their portrait taken. 

The new city in the distance. 
But we were heading to the old city.

There was quite a long speech here, but I don’t recall what it was about. Something to do with palaces.

And something else important behind us. 

It has a story. I don’t know it.

This will tell you a part. 

A native hero. 

Warsaw was destroyed in The War, so these are reconstructions. 

Coming to the main square of the old city, seen in the far left. 

Next, to the old parts.


  1. I’m disappointed not to see what well made, elegantly presented traditional Polish fare looks like.

  2. I was, too, but had no picture-taker. There were salads, but not your or my kind of salad. And there were Täschli/dumpling/ravioli kind of filled pockets, some with vegetables and some with meats. And there were fine wines. It was refined and elegant, what an American restaurant would call small portions. SMB
