Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Small Classes Update

Art school is going well; I am not too far behind yet, and most of my classes and fellow students are fun.

more perspective exercises - I messed up the bottom one, so I improvised haha

Also, just something interesting this past week, when I was googling how to convert my phone drawings from RGB colors to CYMK (fyi, there isn't really a way, at least not without obtaining additional programs and going through a few complicated-sounding steps, unfortunately), I came across the CYMK primary color graph. I'd forgotten it existed, haha.

That is all. If you have any other options to suggest, I would appreciate it; anyway, it is not really important. :)


  1. Sarah, these are really cool! Please....would you take these perspective lessons to church and show them to Isaac? He is doing some on his own and I think it would be good for him to see these more complicated applications.

  2. Oh! I suppose I could do that. :)
