Friday, March 29, 2019

The Day

A Fine Place for an Anniversary 

After speeches and walking we enjoyed a fine dinner to celebrate.

Because protestors had showed up before the event began, police, army, and security was heavily present. Now why would anyone protest a gathering on families? That says something of our times.

Afterward we found this place.

That black is beef in chocolate sauce. The front is duck ravioli with Amarone wine and smoked cheese.

Tender hazelnut pastry with cream filling, coconut crisps, current jam and accents. Superb.

A day to remember. The speeches were good, too. I got some points to bring back for history class.


  1. Very nice! And a good bottle of Italian wine for celebration! Happy anniversary, love birds! And many more!! 🥂❤️❤️

    And what exactly did those (probably hired) protestors claim to be protesting??

  2. Looks wonderful! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Chocolate on beef?? Never heard of such a thing before!

    The deserts look really good, though.

    Happy belated! :D
