Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Little Tale

Of a Policeman and Tadpoles

Hello again, Everybody. As you have noted, I have been.... um... busy.....But I am going to try to get back to some art and crafts, starting tomorrow, maybe. Just when I think life is going to slow down so I can fit in my projects, everything speeds up. But the first son is engaged and we are delighted.

So, the tale of tails.

Today is a lovely warm summer day, with flowers in full bloom.


I was coming home with first-born son, from a materials acquisition excursion, when we see two of our boys (one born to us, one staying with us) carrying buckets to the stream along the road by our house. Note, not full FROM the stream but EMPTY from the stream. They give us the reason:

Our road is the way taken by oodles of walkers out for their exercise and fresh air. That is why it is required in Switzerland that one have pretty flowers along one's property, so people have something nice to see and talk about. Also along our road is a stream, but in the summer it gets mostly dry.

People, however, being civic minded and humane and busybodies, note all the little details of everything (including how old our dog is, what our pony eats, when we water our flowers, and stuff we would probably be appalled to know they know). So somebody on his or her walk noted that the stream is drying up. And in the remaining puddle there was some movement. PROBLEM! ACTION NEEDED! Little tadpoles were trying to grow to be froggies in that bit of water. If the water were to dry up, no froggies.

So, what does one do? Here one calls the police. Not to do violence to anybody or anything, but to attend to a matter that one doesn't know how else to address: in this case, rescue tadpoles.

So, while we were gone, the boys hear the door bell ring, and they go to the door to see a policeman there. He asks if they would please get two buckets of water (our place being the closest thing to a farm around here, and likely to have buckets) and dump them in the puddle for the tadpoles. So, likewise being civic minded and virtuous, the boys do so, the tadpoles swim merrily about, and all the world rejoices in heroic salvation of the endangered.

And we hope they live happily ever after, at least until the resident blue heron finds them.

The End, or at least the allowance for the end of tails for little frogs.

Happy Summer

1 comment:

  1. Um. wow. Clearly Adliwsil does not have enough terrorist threats. Or donut shops.
