Tuesday, January 11, 2022

BuJo Time Again - Thank You So Much ♥

Hm, I think I mentioned that I was going to share Christmas WIP stuff next time I put up a post, but in light of the End of this blog and new Beginnings, and because this material was more ready to go, we have decided instead to show the chaos that is schedules-and-lists-keeping for the year, a.k.a., my Bullet Journal.

I'm not sure what's up with the theme I chose for the year. It makes me think of a circus, but also...boho? Or maybe "dream catchers?" Either way, it's not entirely jiving with my tastes, so it hits kind of weird. And it took considerably longer to doodle with than I had intended, because I had to skip around to different pages carefully while the gel pen dried on others...haha... I spent almost all day putzing around with these pages (between housecleaning, going to the post office, and making an impressively horrendous failure of a lasagna), and while it was mostly fun and relaxing, my brain was also screaming about not doing something more productive or more important. I think I like last year's theme better, even though it was kind of simple. Not necessarily a bad thing.

I folded washi tape over the edges of the main pages as decoration and to help me flip back to them more easily through the year

won't be using the "LBC" abbreviation much more this year now... :(

Everything's messy and crooked, but I must not let it bother me XD

I really liked having the Expenses pages that I'd added last year, so doing that again. It keeps the pile of receipts in my wallet low to non-existent, because it prompts me to enter my purchases the day (or at least the week) that I've made them, so that I don't have a huge pile and get things too much out of order. Other than that, I've not seen much importance in having these. Granted, I haven't gone through last year's yet and tallied up the different categories like I'd meant to, so we'll see.

stars going for a walk

added extra yearly tracking pages this time, to have things more condensed and not scattered all over the months

I went ahead and made the spread for next week, even though I usually do those as needed, to see how it goes. (I have different themes for each month separate from the main theme so that I can try different things out throughout the year and I do not get supremely tired of the main theme.) This journal is smaller than my last, and I'm not sure about how little space each day has in comparison in the weekly spreads...

the previous year's day sections are longer and a little wider. (still using it for this week because I just got the new book - had trouble finding one last month, haha)

new boring index

The index was so much more fun to look at in the old one XD

Added a couple of scrapbook-like pages last year for notable trips and events - was one of my newer experiments with my bullet journalling in 2021, and something I'll probably incorporate again this year also.

I got an actual dotted journal for the first time for this year, and I'm not sure it's much of an improvement over the plain-sketchbook types of books I have used so far. More often I found the dotted grid distracting rather than helpful while making my sections and charts. We'll see. It might just take some getting used to. I think the attached ribbon bookmarks are cute and will be handy, tho! It also lays flat, which is always a fun feature. And I like the elastic band that holds it shut when the journal is closed. It will be easier to chuck into a bag when I take it on trips. XD

Well, I would like to thank each of you at Little Bird for the experiences we've had here, from amazing artwork, cool quilts, and fun travel posts, to technical difficulties that were almost as funny as they were annoying. Thank you for sharing, for encouraging, for being here. I will miss it a lot, but it is understandable. Very best wishes and blessings to you in your 2022 and beyond! ♥♥♥♥♥


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