Monday, January 31, 2022

Watercolor 544

Santa Maria

I am back from a week away in the mountains. It wasn’t a vacation, and now I am doing a six day get-this-stuff-down-your throat cleanse, preparatory to even better stuff. But while we were away we had some free time, so I did a few watercolors from our daily hikes. There was no WiFi there, I had no iPad, so the trusty old camera was put to use again. I plan to share pictures, because it was a very scenic area. Here is a view of what one sees arriving up the mountain on the switchback roads, across high bridges spanning very deep gorges between very high mountains. 

There is actually a village of stone houses and cobblestone paths below that church and tower. You might wonder why anyone would put a village so high up the side of mountain. It has actually been settled from many centuries before the time of Christ. The ancient Celts and Etruscans had habitations there. Again, why? It was because ancient peoples were attuned to energetic places, and this place happens to have very energetic meridians crossing in the area and active springs of healing waters. In our modern and postmodern times people have been so focused on the material and physical that most have forgotten that we and all creation are energetic beings that need to be kept in tune. 

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