Saturday, October 1, 2022

Hello, October


Last month passed in blur. I am still packing boxes, tending autumn, traipsing back and forth, MOVING. No time for art. BUT ….October should be an incentive, right? Sarah Y, is going for the challenge, and maybe one or two others of you will, too. 

So, after another long day of emptying, piling, carrying from there to here, sorting, tossing, boxing, and stacking, plus cooking, baking, washing, laundry, feeding critters, slogging through rain, tending hearts….and all the other Mom/Sister/Daughter duties that pop up, and just before the day runs out……ooops, it just did… is my first entry for Inktober.

No idea what to do. Almost everything from my desks are packed. I scrounge a pencil and a blue fine tip marker, some round forms and scrap of paper, and just start.

Circles. Cool.

Horse head, because I can.

And blue marks. “Horse in circles.” A masterpiece for sure…..Oh, well, it was a relaxing change of pace. 

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS SO COOL! Haha, good to see you sneaking that art time in despite all the goings-on! Take care of yourself! <3
