Sunday, August 11, 2019

No Art

Hello All

This weekend was full of everything but art, including more arranging in new studio.
Pictures sometime. Too many boxes presently.

Since I am not allowed to comment on the individual posts to reply to your comments, I want to do so here.

Thank you to all for comments and compliments.

Pam, I agree we have a sad lack of terrorists and doughnut shops for the our local men in blue.

Katie, those little fruit still-life works would love a dramatic background, but that would require a more complex set up, which would influence the reflected colours, which would be lovely to paint, but those little works are done when I have no time, but decide to paint anyway. So it goes. Maybe eventually I will get to backgrounds. Though I rather like the simplicity, too.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, simplicity is sweet and fresh. I hope your unpacking and arranging is very productive!
