Thursday, August 29, 2019

St. Lorenz Church in Frankenmuth, MI

Probably several of the regular readers of this blog have seen this church at some time, but I thought I would post a few photos anyway. 

On a recent short trip, we spent a few hours in Frankenmuth, MI.  Using the encyclopedia in my pocket (a smartphone, wonder of wonders), I was able to read aloud the history of the first settlers of that town while we drove.  Our first stop was the church they started, St. Lorenz.

I really enjoyed looking at the stained glass windows.  

The windows showed the history of the town and people involved, along with a few basic Biblical scenes.

We could probably debate the usefulness of church windows depicting local history (as opposed to Bible history) and perhaps it makes the church a bit tourist-y.  I do find it inspiring to contemplate the sufferings and work of those Christian pilgrims and missionaries who came and founded the town in a missionary effort and can't help but appreciate the beautiful depictions.

The altar and chancel area were quite beautiful.

Someone was practicing on the pipe organ while we were in there, so it was nice to hear it.

I asked the kids to think about the meaning of the dove in the domed window of the ceiling.  We had a good little whispered discussion about it.

After this we went on to walk through the town, finding interesting sights and some treats.  Perhaps we will go back soon, and stay longer.

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