Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Slow Progress on Things

Here are some small drawings I did last month in ink pens, referenced from pics on Google of some of the tourist spots along the Columbia River Gorge:

They were thumbnail sketches/practices for some larger works I was planning on drawing to submit to enter in a gallery show, but never got the time to, and then the deadline was past.

Below is kind of an older drawing from a few weeks ago, too; done from life, but I sketched out the basic placements and proportions in pencil before going at it with the pen, because I knew they'd move. Haha, and boy, did they move more than I thought they would!...so, yeah, not the best likenesses or details. (For one thing, the feet are atrocious...)

It was still really fun to do, though, and I felt like I learned something from the experience, although I could not tell exactly what.

And we are slowly but surely making progress on a picture-frame-painting project:

Besides that, I haven't been doing very much creatively other than increasing the frequency of my silly doodles and marker lettering on Instagram...
