Saturday, September 28, 2019

Tramp Across the Moor

Wet and Watery

We took one last hike this morning, in alternating drizzle and watery sun, with boggy ground, steams, and puddles. But the vistas were vast. The cattle, rock walls, gnarled trees, and tin works remnants were picturesque. 
And at the end one has tea and scones and clotted cream. 

We decided not to go on to the village of  Hexworthy at this point. But more wet lay in all directions.

Did I or did I not brave this crossing?

Marker stone

An old settlement for tin mining. 

The exotic blue Dartmoor sheep. Some are orange.....

Somebody brought home a pet, named him William of Orange and let him go outside after he warmed up. 

Then English tea time.

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