Friday, June 19, 2020

Excursion, Part 3


The Monastery Cathedral

Maria found us a tucked-away spot to visit, past the small town centre and up a hill and behind the shrubbery. Beside this stately home was a Mario Botta library of ancient manuscripts, mostly on architecture.

A few books were open for us to see the fine engraved illustrations.

The rest were in row upon row of shelves, beautiful leather bound and hand stamped (note the crooked letting on this spine) volumes of the collected wisdom of ages (that some barbarians of our time would love to destroy as others did in earlier ages).

This is how one selects a book from the upper shelves: the best library steps ever.

A fine reproduction of the first century Hellenic sculpture group, Laocoön and His Sons; original in the Vatican 

And "TOM" was everywhere.
(It means "volume," but brings to mind my Thomas.)

This is the entrance hall and the view to the garden.

An unlabeled bust

The garden gate handle

All over the walls and ceiling were these ancient illustrations of  philosophical concepts.

And in the basement was this etching of The One Thing Needful.

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