Tuesday, August 25, 2020

It's Almost September Already


I don't have any finished works or new pieces in progress to share this week, so here's a picture of the beginnings of my September BuJo page:



The younger of my two sisters working on the dog webcomic with me has finally been able to get a job, and decided she could not be a reliable party to finish the rest of the comic with us; but the other sister and I have declared we will keep plugging away at it, dividing between us the extra tasks that the younger sister had covered before.

Basically, it will be finished, but not quickly. And it won't look exactly the same as when we started out, but it should be pretty close. And taking a while to finish is better than not finishing at all, to us at least. XD


And then there's Real Life, which I am 78.3% done with.

*internal screaming*

Patience, right? God is still in control.


  1. I definitely agree with the remark. about finishing slowly is better than not finishing at all. Sometimes life only lets us plug away in small steps on our special projects. So crawl we do. And eventually we get to the end and are glad we kept at it.
    And don't give up on Real Life either. God IS in control of that, too, and it will turn out good. All of us have gone through those low times. They are not forever.
    Thanks for continuing to share here. I will see about writing a bit on some other related things tomorrow. I haven't been posting regularly here, but I did FINISH the illustrations series today!

    1. Yay! Cheers to finishing slowly, remembering God is in control, and illustration series (so excited for when we can see that!)! Thank YOU for continuing to share here, also!!! <3
