Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Sharpening My Pencil?


I've been super distracted lately, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm stressed (major power shifts and uncertain scheduling at work, for one thing), or lazy, or a combination of both? But I've been having trouble focusing on my bigger projects, instead often playing around with whatever nonsense just happens to feel fun to draw at the time, and watching YouTube videos about art, and art business, and...other...things...(I feel like I learned something lately, but I wouldn't be able to pinpoint what it is, haha)

I have all of the second episode of the monster short story comic ready to go when the freeze lifts on the Webtoon site, which if it doesn't by the twelfth when they have announced the winners from the contest, I will need to figure out what else is the problem. And I have the third and final episode of that story about two thirds complete. I've just been putzing around with the coloring the past week or two, filling in a little here and there before my brain says "squirrel!" and we go jumping off into a different picture or doodle.


Above is a random doodlage that happened in the middle of listening to an art video on YouTube - just a line that stuck out to me as thought provoking on several levels, and for more areas of life than just art, haha...

The drawings of little bamboo in the glass jar and the hand were done from life, in green color pencil as were the rest of the doodles. The lettering is in marker and Sharpie pen.

Also, prayers for my sister and her little family would be greatly appreciated. <3

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