Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Webcomic(s) Updates


 I have not really been making anything lately besides life drawings (one per month, usually), a lot of webcomic work, and Draw This in Your Style challenges or fanart doodles. So I had trouble finding something to put here for visuals, haha!

Character-design braindump for villainess for dragon comic, from last month or something haha


 Anyway, the monster comic is completed, and has been mostly well-received as far as I can tell. :)

 The dog comic - I don't remember if I told you, but we had to switch around some work roles and such among ourselves - but work has begun again on it, though slowly.

 And the dragon comic is still kind of on the back burner until we get the dog thing fairly well along the road to completion.


  1. Most Excellent villainess.
    And cheers for onward motion on your comic projects.

    1. Thank you! It's so fun that you can comment again now, haha! Even if sometimes it's doubled and reminds me of that story about the brothers and their Pleases I remember faintly from my childhood. XD
